

2024/01/15 HIRE 33

Organizer 组织单位

International Society for Exposure Science-Asia Chapter


Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Environmental Exposure Science Professional Committee


Time 时间

10:00am-12:00am (Beijing time), December 22,2023

20231222日上午10:00 -12:00(北京时间)

Zoom 线上会议室

ThemeExposome: what we know and what we do next?

主题: 暴露:所知与所求

Voov Meeting559-909-053



Host 主持人

Jicheng Gong




Introduction about the purpose and participants

Jicheng Gong



Exposome and environmental health

Shoji Nakayama


ExposomeX: lntegrative exposomic platform expediates discovery of"exposure-biology-disease"

Mingliang Fang


Mapping the Functional Exposome Through Activity Exposomics: A Potential Solution for a Global Collaborative Initiative

Jake Chung



Panel Discussion (Hosted by Jicheng Gong )


All participants


-Q&A a


北京科技大学|环境健康|环境科学|暴露  Jicheng Gong

Associate Professor at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, and Chair of the Department of Environmental Health. The main research focus is on the development and measurement of biomarkers to study the effects and mechanisms of environmental pollutant exposure on human cardio-pulmonary health. The research findings have been published in over 90 SCI papers in important international journals in the field of environmental science and health. Undertaking the 'Second National Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau' and projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the researcher has been awarded the Young Scientist Award by the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences and the National Youth Talent Project. In 2021, the researcher was one of the main contributors to the Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progresses in the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China.



北京科技大学|环境健康|环境科学|暴露  Mingliang (Thomas) Fang

Dr. Mingliang (Thomas) Fang is currently working as a Full Professor of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University. He graduated from Duke University in the United States with a degree in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. After that, he worked with Dr. Gary Siuzdak at the Scripps Research Institute on the metabolomics field. From 2016 to 2022, he worked as a tenured track assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University. The current main research direction of his laboratory is on the method development of exposomic analysis, and the use of systems biology methods including metabolomics and chemical proteomics to investigate the toxicity mechanism of environmental pollutants, especially the toxicological effects of low-dose chemical mixtures. The research results were published in more than 100 peer review articles, as the first or corresponding author in Nat Nanotechnol, Nat Chem Biol, PNAS, PNAS Nexus, Environ Health Perspect, Environ Sci Technol, Anal Chem, etc., and co-authored in Nature Methods, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Host & Microbe, JACS. From 2021, he serves as the associate editor of Environmental Pollution. He also serves as the EAB in Environ Int, ACS ES&T Water, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (RSC). He has won 2023 young investigator award of ACS “Chemical Research in Toxicology”, ET&C Top 10 Papers of the Year, the "Nanyang Teaching" Excellence Award (School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTU, Singapore), and the young investigator award of "Xiaomi". He has also been invited to give special lectures at the Gordon Research Conference.

方明亮,复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授。本科毕业于美国杜克大学,获得环境化学和毒理学学位。之后,在斯克里普斯研究所(Scripps Research Institute)Gary Siuzdak博士一起研究代谢组学领域。2016年至2022年,在南洋理工大学担任终身助理教授。主要研究方向是暴露体分析方法开发,利用代谢组学、化学蛋白质组学等系统生物学方法研究环境污染物的毒性机制,低剂量化学混合物的毒理学效应。研究成果在Nat nanotechnologyNat Chem BiolPNASPNAS NexusEnviron Health perspectiveEnviron Sci technologyAnal Chem等期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表同行评议文章100余篇,在Nature MethodsCell Stem CellCell Host & MicrobeJACS等期刊发表论文。2021年起任《Environmental Pollution》副主编。他还担任Environ Int, ACS ES&T WaterEnvironmental Science: Processes & Impacts (RSC)的编辑顾问。曾获2023ACS“毒理学化学研究”青年研究者奖、ET&C年度十佳论文奖、“南洋教学”优秀奖(新加坡南大土木与环境工程学院)、“小米”青年研究者奖。方明亮教授还被邀请在戈登研究会议上做特别演讲。



北京科技大学|环境健康|环境科学|暴露  Shoji F. Nakayama

MD, PhD, is Deputy Director, Japan Environment and Children’s Study Programme Office,Head, Exposure Dynamics Research Section, Health and Environmental Risk Division,National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Dr Shoji Nakayama holds MD and PhD degrees. He is certified as Public Health Supervisor by the Japan Board of Public Health and Social Medicine. He is Associate Editor of Environment International as well as Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.In 2005, Dr Nakayama was invited by the US Environmental Protection Agency and spent 6 years to conduct exposure research on contaminants of emerging concern. In 2011, Dr Nakayama joined the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan. Currently he is Deputy Director of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study Programme Office as well as Adjunct Professor of the St. Luke’s International University and the University of Tsukuba. Dr Nakayama is a lead exposure scientist for the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS), which is a longitudinal birth cohort study involving 100,000 mother and child pairs. He is devoted to human biomonitoring and exposome research. He collaborates with US, Canada, EU and Asian researchers to advance and promote children’s environmental health.

中山祥嗣,医学博士,日本环境与儿童研究项目办公室副主任,日本国立环境研究所健康与环境风险处暴露动力学研究科主任。中山祥嗣博士被日本公共卫生和社会医学委员会认证为公共卫生监督员。中山博士是《Environment International》和《Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology》的副主编。2005年,中山博士应美国环境保护署的邀请研究新污染物。2011年,中山博士加入日本国立环境研究所。目前,他是日本环境和儿童研究方案办公室副主任以及圣路加国际大学和筑波大学的兼职教授。中山博士是日本环境与儿童研究(JECS)的首席暴露科学家,并参与一项涉及10万对母亲和儿童的纵向出生队列研究。



北京科技大学|环境健康|环境科学|暴露  Jake  Chung

Dr. Chung is an exposure biologist with a PhD degree in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. At the Berkeley Center for Exposure Biology, he developed innovative methods for assessing human exposure to reactive chemicals. After graduation, Dr. Chung received training in exposomics and air pollution at National Taiwan University and Duke Kunshan University before further specialization in environmental health and biomedical data sciences at Harvard Medical School. His central research goal is to develop and apply measurement and computational methods to identify the elusive environmental drivers of diseases and decipher their intricate connections within the exposure-disease continuum. Dr. Chung has published in leading environmental journals such as Environmental Health Perspectives and Environmental Science & Technology, and was interviewed by news and magazine journalists regarding his investigations. He was also invited to Sweden to conduct a technology transfer of one of his innovative assays. In addition, he has served as a grant reviewer for the Medical Research Council, UK and as an article reviewer for several international journals, including Lancet Planetary Health, Environmental Health Perspectives, and Environment International.

钟明基,博士,暴露生物学家,毕业于加州大学伯克利分校。在伯克利暴露生物学中心,开发了评估人类暴露于活性化学物质的创新方法。毕业后,他在国立台湾大学和昆山杜克大学接受了暴露学和空气污染方面的培训,之后在哈佛医学院进一步专攻环境健康和生物医学数据科学。开发用于识别疾病的难以捉摸的环境驱动因素的测量和计算方法,并破译它们在暴露-疾病连续体中的复杂联系。钟博士曾在《Environmental Health Perspectives》和《Environmental Science & Technology》等主要环境期刊上发表文章,并就他的研究接受新闻和杂志记者的采访。他还被邀请到瑞典进行他的一项创新分析的技术指导。此外,他还担任英国医学研究理事会的拨款审稿人,并担任多个国际期刊的文章审稿人,包括《Lancet Planetary Health》、《Environmental Health Perspectives》和《Environment International》。
